Please fill in the’ Existing Google Customer Registration’ form below to continue your SEO application process with YaZoogle. We need this information to login to your existing google accounts.

YaZoogle Customer with existing Google Account

Application to set up a Google account for SEO work by YaZoogle with existing Google Account

Business Address: A proper street address is required for Business Google Maps requirements. eg 600 Smith St, Perth WA 6000 Australia


Maximum size 10MB

Choose your Business Hours

eg Mon - Fri 9-5pm

eg 9 -12pm

eg 9 -3pm

Business Profile - provide a brief description about what your business offers

a brief paragraph describing your business

Business Category - nominate a category you want your business to be found under eg Wedding photography, Website Development etc

Which category best describes your business > eg Dentist, Wedding photographer,

Photos at Work: Upload 3 images eg photos help customers understand the type of work you do

Maximum size 10MB


Maximum size 10MB


Maximum size 10MB

Team photos: Upload 3 images eg These images are important to present a more personal side of your establishment

Maximum size 10MB


Maximum size 10MB


Maximum size 10MB

Your Keywords: Enter your 3 SEO keywords below - must include your local area ( or close to it) in the search term eg if your business is in Subiaco - ' wedding photography subiaco ' and so on

eg web designers perth

eg perth web designers

eg custom websites Perth

eg wedding photography Perth

By clicking I Agree, you agree to Google's Terms and that you have read their Data Policy

I Agree to Google's Terms

By clicking I Agree, you agree to YaZoogle's Terms and that you have read their Privacy Policy

I Agree to YaZoogle's Terms

Enter keyword eg Wedding Photography Perth

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