Before you signup to RankPay – please read these terms

This is to inform you that RankPay is an independent SEO marketing Company not associated with yazoogle nor does it work for yazoogle.

JJSmith has signed up as an affiliate marketer with RankPay to promote their business on yazoogle’s website as a 3rd party SEO service.

JJSmith has been given permission to promote RankPay on this website in the SEO section, to offer an alternative SEO service as an affiliate client of Rankpay only.

JJSmith will receive an affiliate finders fee once you have started to pay for any work on RankPay website eg SEO mothly fees independent to yazoogle. Yazoogle does not get any payment from JJSmith nor RankPay.

If you sign up to RankPay, you and RankPay will work independently from yazoogle and JJsmith. You also agree that yazoogle and JJsmith will not to be held responsible for any work completed by RankPay. Any disputes are between you and RankPay directly as you will be paying RankPay as a client to them and not yazoogle not JJsmith.

If you have any doubts about joining RankPay when you visit their site through the link provided and what they are offering, then do not sign up. If you do continue, then you agree it is at your own cost.

Thank you for reading these terms

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